
Goals and Benefits of Anger Management Counseling

2024-12-20T11:43:23+00:00November 9th, 2024|Anger Issues, Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling|

We’ve all had those moments when our emotions have gotten the better of us. Usually, it’s when we’re feeling tired, hungry, haven’t slept well, or are under enormous pressure from work, finances, or relationship issues. In that moment, we can yield to what we’re feeling, whether it’s anger, resentment, sadness, or glee. For better or worse, we find ourselves thinking, acting, or saying something we shouldn’t, with all its consequences. We could use better anger management counseling. One powerful emotion that is often associated with negative actions and consequences is anger. Anger comes in different guises, and it has varying levels of intensity. A person can be mildly annoyed or irritated, or they can find themselves in a boiling rage. Whatever level of anger one is feeling, it can manifest and get expressed in different ways, with some of these being problematic. For the person who wrestles with anger, the good news is that there is effective help available through self-help techniques as well as the deeper work that anger management counseling yields. Is anger the problem? There are some emotions we readily consider or categorize as negative or unhealthy. These include anger and sadness. The issue, however, isn’t the emotions, but the circumstances in which they arise. We get angry in certain moments because someone has thwarted us, or because we feel threatened in some way. Sadness often follows on the heels of loss, and so the emotions themselves can start to seem unwelcome. Our emotions are an important part of our makeup, and they perform the much-needed function of alerting us to what’s going on inside of us. Thinking of your emotions as unhealthy or negative (and thus to be avoided) is about as helpful as taping over your “check engine” light or the fuel gauge in your [...]

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Building Self-esteem, God’s Way

2024-10-25T08:19:39+00:00September 30th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Self-esteem has been defined as the evaluation that a person makes of themself in comparison to some standard, or the way they have come to think of themselves habitually. While this has always been a concern for humans throughout history, in our current Western culture, building self-esteem seems to be an obsession. The advertising industry is fueled by taglines selling products to “make you look and feel great about yourself”, and bookshops are lined with books offering self-help remedies and strategies to improve self-confidence. While some remedies are helpful, they are often short-lived, as they do not go to the root of the issue. The Bible, in giving us everything we need for life and godliness, is not silent on the issue of self-esteem, but instead points out some faulty thinking that we tend to naturally gravitate toward. What makes up one’s self-esteem? The areas where people evaluate themselves to derive their self-image tend to fall into four categories. These include: Performance – This relates to what you do; whether it’s in the classroom, on the athletic field, at work, or at home as a parent with children. This category relates to abilities and how good we are at performing the various roles in our lives. Background – People naturally tend to use “pedigree” as an evaluation category for building self-esteem. This could be where you were born and the wealth of your family, which school or college you studied at, or even which sports team you support. This element gives a source of belonging or pride (or the opposite, depending on one’s evaluation). Acceptability – This is how we feel about our relationships with family members and friends, and concerns how lovable we feel. This is an area where one’s upbringing and past can have a direct impact [...]

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Six Tips for Overcoming Workplace Stress

2024-11-27T12:53:56+00:00June 5th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Many of us spend at least a third of our days at one and sometimes two jobs to help provide for ourselves and our families. That work might be behind a desk, outside at a worksite, among co-workers, or in solitude. Your attitude toward your work may vary from day to day, and range from loathing it to absolutely adoring it. Whatever we feel about it, work is a fixed reality in our lives, which is why workplace stress can be tough to deal with. Work, even the enjoyable kind, can be difficult, and it takes its toll on our bodies and minds. The ability to handle the effects of work, especially the stress of work, is an important part of any worker’s life and could help retain productivity and avoid the negative effects of chronic stress. Workplace stress: What it is, and what it does to you The word “stress” refers to how our bodies naturally respond physically and emotionally to something that is a perceived threat or challenge. Our stress response, also called the “fight or flight” response, helps our bodies and minds prepare for action when we are in a difficult or dangerous situation. The body’s fight or flight response is activated during a stressful event, triggering the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol which prepares us to either confront a threat or flee from it. The situations that can bring stress include facing financial pressures, relationship issues, experiencing significant life changes like getting married or moving, managing health problems, and work pressures such as deadlines. As you can imagine, cortisol and adrenaline affect organs such as your heart, and it can have other physiological effects. When you’re feeling stressed, you can experience digestive issues, difficulty sleeping, anxiety or being overwhelmed, exhaustion or fatigue, irritability [...]

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